Dr. Kalhori, can a rewetted wetland ever return to its original state?
With the intensifying threat of climate change, the need for effective mitigation solutions has become urgent. The question of how … Read more
With the intensifying threat of climate change, the need for effective mitigation solutions has become urgent. The question of how … Read more
by Fred Pearce
No natural ecosystems – not even rainforests – store as much carbon as the world’s peat bogs. Once considered watery wastelands, and widely drained for agriculture, their restoration is now in the frontline of the fight against climate change and therefore the focus of important research.
By Fred Pearce
Europe’s many degraded wet places are leaking carbon dioxide into the atmosphere on a huge scale. If Europe’s climate targets are to be met, then the continent’s forgotten mires and bogs, marshes and fens, must be restored, say scientists engaged in WET HORIZONS.